Whistleblowing System

The Company’s commitment to the implementation of a sound and sustainable business continues to be developed as an integral part of the overall culture. To ensure the participation of the Company as a whole in conducting business without fraud and the practices of corruption, collusion, nepotism, and violations to the Code of Conduct, the Company has developed a whistleblowing system that is based on the principles of transparency and disclosure.

The Company constantly encourages every employee to behave in a transparent and fair manner in performing all activities by promoting high values of professionalism, clarity, integrity, and ethics. Within the scope of the Company’s environment, this effort is emphasized through a set of policies regarding the principles and standards of conduct established for all employees in the Company’s Code of Conduct.

On July 16, 2017, the Company established Whistleblower Policy of PT Mora Telematika Indonesia In line with the commitment to upholding the values contained in the Company’s Code of Conduct. Throughout 2018, the Whistleblower Policies continued to function as a policy guideline and mechanism for all employees in reporting any unethical behavior, whether or not there has been suspicion, fraud, or violation of the Company’s Code of Ethics.

See Whistleblowing System